Hi There
Im Alex a random dude based in Europe and currently obsessed with the indie-Web and Web-development.
How I see it, this is the first step into my Journey into the vast world of Computer Science.
Why I love the Indie-web
What fascinates me so much about the indie-Web is that the Sites, unlike Twitter Profiles for example, eminate this real Human feeling.
The people behind these sites are given 100% freedom in every aspect of how they want to project themselves and that is eyeopening for me.
I never noticed it like I do now but the homogonization of ones "Profile" on the Web is honestly just dissapointing considering the possibilities.
There are so many Ways to express one
self on the Web but were mostly confined to a Header and a profilepicture.
Thats Why I hope to learn to express my True Self as i embark this indie-Web journey
The Blog pages future
This Blog page will be like my diary which i will post life updates and just my generell thoughts on things on. Topics you can expect are
things like My experience as a person new to Raiding in FF14, My thoughts on media im consuming, for example right now Im reading The Climber and
I have my fair share of thoughts on this manga.
Im also thinking of Posting kind of Essays where I go deeper on things i find interesting,
for example Ive been thinking about making an Essay about one of my favourite and for me important Games: Persona 4.
But these are all things to consider for the future, for now my focus lies on improving the Web-Site and adding things i think are cool.
Thx for reading and see you next time!!
- Alux

I listened to this album 2 days ago but that wasnt the first time i tried to go through this project or Earl Sweatshirt in generell. The first time I listened to this album was about a year ago,
I was on the bus home from school and just wanted to listen to something new. I dont 100% remember how I found out about Some Rap Songs but I definetly already knew some things
about Earl, mostly just by researching Tyler the Creators past.
Anyways due to the albums length I ended up finishing it while still being on the bus and to be honest I zoned out for 90% of the songs so after the the last song came to an end I didnt really register anything about the Album other than that it was definetly a lil weird. [to be continued]